Monday, November 21, 2016

beginning the adventure

I sold my townhouse so my motohome became my home. I wanted to travel full time. I had things to consider and sort out:
1. Mail
My sister allowed me to use her postal address for any mail. This has become much easier over the years as most things can be done over the internet. The internet is an important part of my life.

2. Keeping in touch with everyone
I have a mobile Wifi account and this allows me to be in contact with people every day if I want to. This, together with my mobile phone, is my connection to everyone. I play Scrabble on line with a number of friends and family every day. I subscribe to a newspaper and read it online every day.

3. What to do with all those recipe books.
I use a recipe App and find it fantastic. All my favourite recipes are now stored on my iPad. I also use it for finding new recipes. I never buy recipe books now.

4. Organising photos
I take lots of photos and delete most of them. I file photos in months and years so they are easy to refer back to. I do a photo blog of each month so anyone can see where I am, if they want to. I make a photo diary of each year, as my record of the highlights. I use Facebook to post an occassional photo.

5. Getting confident driving a longer vehicle.
At first I took only short trips. I practised reversing. When I was having difficulty in a caravan park, I asked someone to guide me. People are only too happy to help. You just have to ask.

6. Keeping clothes to the minimum
Take advantage of being mobile. I head north for the winter and south for the summer and basically I use the same clothes all year round. Choose  one colour for basic items and mix and match colours to contrast e.g. one pair of shorts matched with many tops.

Pelicans at Hervey Bay - at first I didn't travel too far away from my base in southern Queensland.

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